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Programación por ESPN 3

Programa Hora
MotoGP Qualifying - Grand Prix of Qatar
MotoGP Qualifying - Grand Prix of Qatar
Losail, Losail, Qatar
1:00 ET - 3:00 ET
Daylight Saving Filler
Daylight Saving Filler
3:00 ET - 3:00 ET
Portuguese Football League
Portuguese Football League
3:00 ET - 5:00 ET
Barça TV: Classic match
Barça TV: Classic match
5:00 ET - 8:00 ET
ATP World Tour Weekly
ATP World Tour Weekly
8:00 ET - 8:35 ET
Cycling: Paris-Nice: Etapa #1
Cycling: Paris-Nice: Etapa #1
8:35 ET - 10:05 ET
Fútbol Picante
Fútbol Picante
Studio Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
10:05 ET - 10:50 ET
6 Nations Rugby Tournament
6 Nations Rugby Tournament
Francia VS Irlanda
Round 4
10:50 ET - 13:00 ET
SportsCenter (Fin de Semana)
SportsCenter (Fin de Semana)
Studio Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
13:00 ET - 14:00 ET
BNP Paribas Open
BNP Paribas Open
Indian Wells Tennis Garden, Indian Wells, CA, USA
Second Round
14:00 ET - 17:00 ET
Major League Baseball Spring Training
Major League Baseball Spring Training
Arizona Diamondbacks VS Colorado Rockies
Estadio Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico
17:00 ET - 20:00 ET
Ligue 1 French Championship
Ligue 1 French Championship
20:00 ET - 22:00 ET
6 Nations Rugby Tournament
6 Nations Rugby Tournament
Gales VS Escocia
Round 4
22:00 ET - 23:30 ET
Comex Masters por ESPN
Comex Masters por ESPN
23:30 ET - 0:00 ET


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