Num. Nombre
15Julien Tisseron, FB
14Kade Poki, W
13Felix le Bourhis, C
12Gaby Lovobalavu, C
11Romain Martial, W
10Willie du Plessis, FH
9Guillaume Rouet, SH
1Davit Khinchagashvili, P
2Grégory Arganese, H
3Lorenzo Cittadini, P
4Pierre Gayraud, L
5Pelu Taele-Pavihi, L
6Jean Monribot, FL
7Baptiste Chouzenoux, FL
8PJ van Lill, N8
16Manu Leiataua, R
17Aretz Iguiniz, R
18Adam Jaulhac, R
19Jean Jo Marmouyet, R
20Manu Saubusse, R
21Bastien Fuster, R
22Raphael Lagarde, R
23Ben Broster, R

*Los jugadores actualmente en la cancha se muestran en negritas

Info Juego

Estadio: Stade Jean Dauger
12:30 PM, Octubre 1, 2016

Comentario de partido

81'+222-22 End of second half
78'22-22 Penalty goal - Raphael Lagarde , Bayonne
74'19-22 Penalty goal - Frederic Michalak , Lyon
74'Player substituted - Virgile Bruni , Lyon
74'Substitute on - Julien Bonnaire , Lyon
72'Substitute on - Ti'i Paulo , Lyon
72'Player substituted - Mickael Ivaldi , Lyon
71'19-19 Penalty goal - Raphael Lagarde , Bayonne
69'Substitute on - Adam Jaulhac , Bayonne
69'Player substituted - Pelu Taele-Pavihi , Bayonne
69'Substitute on - Manu Saubusse , Bayonne
69'Player substituted - Guillaume Rouet , Bayonne
69'Player substituted - Lorenzo Cittadini , Bayonne
69'Substitute on - Ben Broster , Bayonne
69'Substitute on - Jacques-Louis Potgieter , Lyon
69'Player substituted - Mike Harris , Lyon
69'Player substituted - Francisco Gomez Kodela , Lyon
69'Substitute on - BJ Botha , Lyon
68'16-19 Penalty goal - Frederic Michalak , Lyon
65'Player substituted - Delon Armitage , Lyon
65'Substitute on - Thibaut Regard , Lyon
64'16-16 Drop goal - Raphael Lagarde , Bayonne
63'Substitute on - Raphael Lagarde , Bayonne
63'Player substituted - Willie du Plessis , Bayonne
63'Player substituted - Jean Monribot , Bayonne
63'Substitute on - Jean Jo Marmouyet , Bayonne
59'13-16 Penalty goal - Guillaume Rouet , Bayonne
55'Player substituted - Grégory Arganese , Bayonne
55'Substitute on - Manu Leiataua , Bayonne
55'Player substituted - Albertus Buckle , Lyon
55'Substitute on - Alexandre Menini , Lyon
53'Player substituted - Thibault Privat , Lyon
53'Substitute on - Josh Bekhuis , Lyon
53'Substitute on - Aretz Iguiniz , Bayonne
53'Player substituted - Davit Khinchagashvili , Bayonne
51'Substitute on - Frederic Michalak , Lyon
51'Player substituted - Agustin Figuerola , Lyon
51'10-16 Penalty goal - Mike Harris , Lyon
40'10-13 Start of second half
41'+210-13 End of first half
38'10-13 Conversion - Willie du Plessis , Bayonne
37'8-13 Try - Romain Martial , Bayonne
30'3-13 Penalty goal - Willie du Plessis , Bayonne
29'Tarjeta amarilla - Agustin Figuerola , Lyon
26'0-13 Penalty goal - Mike Harris , Lyon
22'0-10 Conversion - Mike Harris , Lyon
21'0-8 Try - Mike Harris , Lyon
4'0-3 Penalty goal - Delon Armitage , Lyon
1'0-0 Start of first half