Num. Nombre
15Quentin Etienne Lecoq, -
14Daniel Ikpefan, -
13Mitch Inman, -
12Matt Hopper, -
11Axel Muler, -
10Ben Botica, -
9James Hall, -
1Tommy Raynaud, -
2Quentin MacDonald, -
3Hoani Tui, -
4Phoenix Battye, -
5Steven Sykes, -
6Patrick Sobela, -
7Valentin Ursache, -
8Rory Grice, -
16Benjamin Geledan, -
17Khatchik Vartanov, -
18Curtis Browning, -
19Hikawera Elliot, -
20Julien Audy, -
21Roimata Hansell-Pune, -
22Silvere Tian, -
23Pietro Ceccarelli, -

*Los jugadores actualmente en la cancha se muestran en negritas

Info Juego

Estadio: Stade Charles-Mathon
1:30 PM, Noviembre 4, 2017

Comentario de partido

81'Player substituted - Robert Ebersohn , Castres Olympique
81'Substitute on - Florian Vialelle , Castres Olympique
81'19-32 End of second half
80'19-32 Penalty goal - Benjamin Urdapilleta , Castres Olympique
77'Player substituted - Christophe Samson , Castres Olympique
77'Substitute on - Loic Jacquet , Castres Olympique
77'Substitute on - Marc-Antoine Rallier , Castres Olympique
77'Player substituted - Jody Jenneker , Castres Olympique
72'Player substituted - Yohan Montes , Castres Olympique
72'Substitute on - Eric Sione , Castres Olympique
72'Player substituted - Matt Hopper , Oyonnax
72'Substitute on - Roimata Hansell-Pune , Oyonnax
71'Player substituted - Antoine Tichit , Castres Olympique
71'Substitute on - Tudor Stroe , Castres Olympique
69'Substitute on - Curtis Browning , Oyonnax
69'Player substituted - Rory Grice , Oyonnax
69'Player substituted - Tommy Raynaud , Oyonnax
69'Substitute on - Khatchik Vartanov , Oyonnax
66'19-29 Penalty goal - Benjamin Urdapilleta , Castres Olympique
63'Player substituted - James Hall , Oyonnax
63'Substitute on - Julien Audy , Oyonnax
60'Player substituted - Quentin Etienne Lecoq , Oyonnax
60'Substitute on - Silvere Tian , Oyonnax
60'Drop goal-missed
56'Substitute on - Hikawera Elliot , Oyonnax
56'Player substituted - Steven Sykes , Oyonnax
56'Player substituted - Baptiste Delaporte , Castres Olympique
56'Substitute on - Yannick Caballero , Castres Olympique
56'Substitute on - Ludovic Radosavljevic , Castres Olympique
56'Player substituted - Rory Kockott , Castres Olympique
56'19-26 Penalty goal - Ben Botica , Oyonnax
52'Substitute on - Alex Tulou , Castres Olympique
52'Player substituted - Maama Vaipulu , Castres Olympique
50'16-26 Penalty goal - Ben Botica , Oyonnax
47'13-26 Penalty goal - Benjamin Urdapilleta , Castres Olympique
40'13-23 Start of second half
41'13-23 End of first half
41'13-23 Penalty goal - Benjamin Urdapilleta , Castres Olympique
34'13-20 Conversion - Ben Botica , Oyonnax
33'11-20 Try - Quentin MacDonald , Oyonnax
32'Tarjeta amarilla - Julien Dumora , Castres Olympique
24'6-20 Conversion - Benjamin Urdapilleta , Castres Olympique
23'6-18 Try - Julien Dumora , Castres Olympique
20'6-13 Penalty goal - Ben Botica , Oyonnax
18'3-13 Conversion - Benjamin Urdapilleta , Castres Olympique
17'3-11 Try - Mathieu Babillot , Castres Olympique
15'3-6 Penalty goal - Ben Botica , Oyonnax
11'Substitute on - Jody Jenneker , Castres Olympique
11'Player substituted - Marc-Antoine Rallier , Castres Olympique
7'0-6 Penalty goal - Benjamin Urdapilleta , Castres Olympique
4'0-3 Penalty goal - Benjamin Urdapilleta , Castres Olympique
4'Player substituted - Jody Jenneker , Castres Olympique
4'Substitute on - Marc-Antoine Rallier , Castres Olympique
1'0-0 Start of first half