Num. Nombre
15Thomas Ramos, FB
14Arthur Bonneval, W
13Juan Cruz Mallia, C
12Santiago Chocobares, C
11Dimitri Delibes, W
10Zack Holmes, FH
9Baptiste Germain, SH
1Clement Castets, P
2Guillaume Marchand, H
3Paulo Tafili, P
4Rory Arnold, L
5Joe Tekori, L
6Francois Cros, FL
7Rynhardt Elstadt, FL
8Selevasio Tolofua, N8
16Guillaume Cramont, R
17Rodrigue Neti, R
18Richie Arnold, R
19Emmanuel Meafou, R
20Louis-Benoit Madaule, R
21Alexi Bales, R
22Simon Renda, R
23Paul Mallez, R

*Los jugadores actualmente en la cancha se muestran en negritas

Info Juego

Estadio: Stade Ernest-Wallon
11:00 AM, Mayo 15, 2021

Comentario de partido

81'+228-32 End of second half
79'Player substituted - Paulo Tafili , Stade Toulousain
79'Substitute on - Rynhardt Elstadt , Stade Toulousain
79'Player substituted - Ugo Boniface , Bayonne
79'Substitute on - Arnaud Duputs , Bayonne
79'28-32 Conversion - Thomas Ramos , Stade Toulousain
78'26-32 Try - Dimitri Delibes , Stade Toulousain
78'Tarjeta amarilla - Konstantine Mikautadze , Bayonne
77'Player substituted - Zack Holmes , Stade Toulousain
77'Substitute on - Baptiste Germain , Stade Toulousain
77'Substitute on - Asier Usarraga , Bayonne
77'Player substituted - Guillaume Ducat , Bayonne
72'21-32 Penalty goal - Manuel Ordas , Bayonne
71'Substitute on - Michael Ruru , Bayonne
71'Player substituted - Remy Baget , Bayonne
69'Substitute on - Paulo Tafili , Stade Toulousain
69'Player substituted - Rynhardt Elstadt , Stade Toulousain
69'Substitute on - Ugo Boniface , Bayonne
69'Player substituted - Arnaud Duputs , Bayonne
68'Tarjeta amarilla - Vincent Pelo , Bayonne
68'Tarjeta amarilla - Paul Mallez , Stade Toulousain
67'Player substituted - Filimo Taofifenua , Bayonne
67'Substitute on - Mathew Luamanu , Bayonne
67'Substitute on - Sam Nixon , Bayonne
67'Player substituted - Luc Mousset , Bayonne
62'Player substituted - Malietoa Hingano , Bayonne
62'Substitute on - Theo Costosseque , Bayonne
60'Player substituted - Guillaume Marchand , Stade Toulousain
60'Substitute on - Guillaume Cramont , Stade Toulousain
60'Substitute on - Paul Mallez , Stade Toulousain
60'Player substituted - Paulo Tafili , Stade Toulousain
60'Player substituted - Asier Usarraga , Bayonne
60'Substitute on - Mariano Galarza , Bayonne
60'Substitute on - Hugo Zabalza , Bayonne
60'Player substituted - Michael Ruru , Bayonne
60'Player substituted - Maxime Lafage , Bayonne
60'Substitute on - Manuel Ordas , Bayonne
57'Player substituted - Baptiste Germain , Stade Toulousain
57'Substitute on - Alexi Bales , Stade Toulousain
57'21-29 Penalty goal - Maxime Lafage , Bayonne
55'21-26 Penalty goal - Maxime Lafage , Bayonne
50'Substitute on - Vincent Pelo , Bayonne
50'Player substituted - Ugo Boniface , Bayonne
50'Substitute on - Konstantine Mikautadze , Bayonne
50'Player substituted - Mathew Luamanu , Bayonne
50'Player substituted - Clement Castets , Stade Toulousain
50'Substitute on - Rodrigue Neti , Stade Toulousain
46'Player substituted - Rory Arnold , Stade Toulousain
46'Substitute on - Richie Arnold , Stade Toulousain
46'Substitute on - Louis-Benoit Madaule , Stade Toulousain
46'Player substituted - Francois Cros , Stade Toulousain
46'Player substituted - Joe Tekori , Stade Toulousain
46'Substitute on - Emmanuel Meafou , Stade Toulousain
46'Player substituted - Maxime Delonca , Bayonne
46'Substitute on - Arnaud Duputs , Bayonne
46'21-23 Penalty goal - Maxime Lafage , Bayonne
40'21-20 Start of second half
41'+121-20 End of first half
41'+121-20 Penalty goal - Maxime Lafage , Bayonne
40'Player substituted - Arnaud Duputs , Bayonne
40'Substitute on - Torsten van Jaarsveld , Bayonne
39'21-17 Conversion - Thomas Ramos , Stade Toulousain
38'19-17 Try - Selevasio Tolofua , Stade Toulousain
37'Tarjeta amarilla - Maxime Delonca , Bayonne
34'Player substituted - Sam Nixon , Bayonne
34'Substitute on - Luc Mousset , Bayonne
27'14-17 Conversion - Maxime Lafage , Bayonne
25'14-15 Try - Remy Baget , Bayonne
23'14-10 Conversion - Maxime Lafage , Bayonne
21'14-8 Try - Aymeric Luc , Bayonne
19'14-3 Penalty goal - Maxime Lafage , Bayonne
16'Player substituted - Arthur Bonneval , Stade Toulousain
16'Substitute on - Simon Renda , Stade Toulousain
16'14-0 Conversion - Thomas Ramos , Stade Toulousain
15'12-0 Try - Thomas Ramos , Stade Toulousain
8'7-0 Conversion - Thomas Ramos , Stade Toulousain
7'5-0 Try - Joe Tekori , Stade Toulousain
1'0-0 Start of first half