Num. Nombre
15Geordan Murphy, FB
14Scott Hamilton, W
13Matt Smith, C
12Anthony Allen, C
11Johne Murphy, W
10Jeremy Staunton, FH
9Harry Ellis, SH
1Marcos Ayerza, P
2Mefin Davies, H
3Martin Castrogiovanni, P
4Louis Deacon, L
5Ben Kay, L
6Tom Croft, FL
7Craig Newby, FL
8Brett Deacon, N8
16Joe Duffey, -
17Julian White, P
18Robbie Harris, -
19Geoff Parling, L
20Ben Pienaar, N8
21Ben Youngs, SH
22Aaron Mauger, C
23Lucas Gonzalez Amorosino, -

*Los jugadores actualmente en la cancha se muestran en negritas

Info Juego

Estadio: Mattioli Woods Welford Road Stadium
12:35 PM, Septiembre 19, 2009
Attendance: 24,000

Comentario de partido

81'15-6 Fin de la primera mitad
81'15-6 Fin de la primera mitad
81'15-6 Fin de la primera mitad
81'15-6 End of second half
75'Player substituted - Hall Charlton , Newcastle Falcons
75'Substitute on - Chris Pilgrim , Newcastle Falcons
67'Substitute on - Charlie Amesbury , Newcastle Falcons
67'Player substituted - Tane Tu'ipulotu , Newcastle Falcons
67'Substitute on - Ben Pienaar , Leicester Tigers
67'Player substituted - Brett Deacon , Leicester Tigers
65'Substitute on - Laurence Ovens , Newcastle Falcons
65'Player substituted - Micky Ward , Newcastle Falcons
61'15-6 Penalty goal - Jeremy Staunton , Leicester Tigers
59'Player substituted - Louis Deacon , Leicester Tigers
59'Player substituted - Martin Castrogiovanni , Leicester Tigers
59'Player substituted - Harry Ellis , Leicester Tigers
59'Substitute on - Julian White , Leicester Tigers
59'Substitute on - Geoff Parling , Leicester Tigers
59'Substitute on - Ben Youngs , Leicester Tigers
55'Substitute on - Tim Swinson , Newcastle Falcons
55'Player substituted - Filipo Levi , Newcastle Falcons
54'12-6 Penalty goal - Rob Miller , Newcastle Falcons
54'Substitute on - Aaron Mauger , Leicester Tigers
54'Player substituted - Matt Smith , Leicester Tigers
49'Substitute on - Adam Balding , Newcastle Falcons
49'Player substituted - Mark Sorenson , Newcastle Falcons
41'Player substituted - Carl Hayman , Newcastle Falcons
41'Substitute on - Micky Ward , Newcastle Falcons
41'Substitute on - Matt Thompson , Newcastle Falcons
41'Player substituted - Rob Vickers , Newcastle Falcons
40'12-3 Start of second half
41'+112-3 Penalty goal - Jeremy Staunton , Leicester Tigers
41'+212-3 End of first half
26'9-3 Penalty goal - Jeremy Staunton , Leicester Tigers
23'6-3 Penalty goal - Jeremy Staunton , Leicester Tigers
6'3-3 Penalty goal - Rob Miller , Newcastle Falcons
3'3-0 Penalty goal - Jeremy Staunton , Leicester Tigers
1'0-0 Start of first half


Gallagher Premiership