Num. Nombre
15Alexis Palisson, -
14Horacio Agulla, -
13Jamie Noon, -
12Fabrice Estebanez, -
11Vili Waqaseduadua, -
10Luciano Orquera, -
9Shaun Perry, -
1Davit Khinchagashvili, -
2Steve Thompson, -
3Pat Barnard, -
4Retief Uys, -
5Arnaud Mela, -
6Gerhard Vosloo, -
7Vincent Forgues, -
8Antonie Claassen, -
16Guillaume Ribes, -
17Pascal Idieder, -
18Christian Short, -
19Simon Azoulai, -
20Arnaud Pic, -
21Scott Spedding, -
22Ronnie Cooke, -
23Jonathan Garcia, -

*Los jugadores actualmente en la cancha se muestran en negritas

Info Juego

2:35 PM, Agosto 15, 2009

Comentario de partido

81'30-9 End of second half
79'Player substituted - Fabrice Estebanez , Brive
79'Substitute on - Scott Spedding , Brive
77'Player substituted - Federico Todeschini , Montpellier Herault
77'Substitute on - Benoit Paillaugue , Montpellier Herault
77'30-9 Conversion - Luciano Orquera , Brive
76'28-9 Try - Luciano Orquera , Brive
72'Player substituted - Joan Caudullo , Montpellier Herault
72'Substitute on - Fabien Rofes , Montpellier Herault
72'Player substituted - Alister Campbell , Montpellier Herault
72'Substitute on - Michel Macurdy , Montpellier Herault
71'Tarjeta amarilla - Arnaud Mela , Brive
68'Player substituted - Vincent Forgues , Brive
68'Substitute on - Simon Azoulai , Brive
68'Player substituted - Grant Rees , Montpellier Herault
68'Substitute on - Francois Trinh-Duc , Montpellier Herault
67'Player substituted - Alexis Palisson , Brive
67'Substitute on - Ronnie Cooke , Brive
67'Player substituted - Olivier Sarramea , Montpellier Herault
67'Substitute on - Sébastien Kuzbik , Montpellier Herault
67'Player substituted - Davit Khinchagashvili , Brive
67'Substitute on - Pascal Idieder , Brive
64'Player substituted - Retief Uys , Brive
63'Substitute on - Christian Short , Brive
55'Player substituted - Philemon Toleafoa , Montpellier Herault
55'Substitute on - Eugene van Staden , Montpellier Herault
51'Player substituted - Steve Thompson , Brive
51'Substitute on - Guillaume Ribes , Brive
48'23-9 Conversion - Luciano Orquera , Brive
47'21-9 Try - Vincent Forgues , Brive
40'16-9 Start of second half
40'+116-9 End of first half
40'16-9 Penalty goal - Luciano Orquera , Brive
38'13-9 Penalty goal - Federico Todeschini , Montpellier Herault
31'13-6 Penalty goal - Federico Todeschini , Montpellier Herault
28'13-3 Penalty goal - Luciano Orquera , Brive
21'Tarjeta amarilla - Danie Thiart , Montpellier Herault
19'10-3 Penalty goal - Federico Todeschini , Montpellier Herault
13'10-0 Conversion - Luciano Orquera , Brive
12'8-0 Try - Steve Thompson , Brive
11'Player substituted - Jérôme Vallee , Montpellier Herault
11'Substitute on - Marc Giraud , Montpellier Herault
9'3-0 Penalty goal - Luciano Orquera , Brive
1'0-0 Start of first half