Num. Nombre
15Olivier Sarramea, -
14Jacques Boussuge, -
13Sylvain Mirande, -
12Francois Trinh-Duc, -
11Sébastien Kuzbik, -
10Benoit Paillaugue, -
9Julien Tomas, -
1Matthieu Demange Petit, -
2Fabien Rofes, -
3Danie Thiart, -
4Michel Macurdy, -
5Drikus Hancke, -
6Fulgence Ouedraogo, -
7Vassili Bost, -
8Mamuka Gorgodze, -
16Joan Caudullo, -
17Pieter Herman van Niekirk, -
18Alister Campbell, -
19Benjamin Goze, -
20Grant Rees, -
21Geoffrey Doumayrou, -
22Philemon Toleafoa, -

*Los jugadores actualmente en la cancha se muestran en negritas

Info Juego

1:30 PM, Septiembre 2, 2009

Comentario de partido

81'+122-18 End of second half
81'+122-18 Conversion - Valentin Courrent , Biarritz Olympique
81'+122-16 Try - Nicolas Brusque , Biarritz Olympique
79'Player substituted - Francois Trinh-Duc , Montpellier Herault
79'Substitute on - Grant Rees , Montpellier Herault
76'22-11 Try - Benoit August , Biarritz Olympique
75'Tarjeta amarilla - Philemon Toleafoa , Montpellier Herault
75'Player substituted - Mamuka Gorgodze , Montpellier Herault
75'Substitute on - Benjamin Goze , Montpellier Herault
69'Player substituted - Julien Tomas , Montpellier Herault
69'Substitute on - Geoffrey Doumayrou , Montpellier Herault
66'Player substituted - Ilikena Bolakoro , Biarritz Olympique
66'Substitute on - Damien Traille , Biarritz Olympique
65'22-6 Drop goal - Olivier Sarramea , Montpellier Herault
63'Player substituted - Drikus Hancke , Montpellier Herault
63'Substitute on - Alister Campbell , Montpellier Herault
62'Player substituted - Matthieu Demange Petit , Montpellier Herault
62'Substitute on - Pieter Herman van Niekirk , Montpellier Herault
59'Player substituted - Wenceslas Lauret , Biarritz Olympique
59'Substitute on - Benoit Guyot , Biarritz Olympique
58'Player substituted - Remy Hugues , Biarritz Olympique
58'Substitute on - Fabien Barcella , Biarritz Olympique
52'Player substituted - Fabien Cibray , Biarritz Olympique
52'Player substituted - Romain Terrain , Biarritz Olympique
52'Substitute on - Julien Peyrelongue , Biarritz Olympique
52'Substitute on - Benoit August , Biarritz Olympique
52'19-6 Conversion - Julien Tomas , Montpellier Herault
51'17-6 Try - Julien Tomas , Montpellier Herault
51'12-6 Penalty goal - Valentin Courrent , Biarritz Olympique
41'Player substituted - Fabien Rofes , Montpellier Herault
41'Substitute on - Joan Caudullo , Montpellier Herault
41'Player substituted - Jean-Baptiste Roidot , Biarritz Olympique
41'Substitute on - Jerome Thion , Biarritz Olympique
41'Player substituted - Jean-Baptiste Gobelet , Biarritz Olympique
41'Substitute on - Ayoola Erinle , Biarritz Olympique
40'12-3 Start of second half
41'+112-3 End of first half
34'12-3 Penalty goal - Benoit Paillaugue , Montpellier Herault
33'9-3 Penalty goal - Valentin Courrent , Biarritz Olympique
23'9-0 Penalty goal - Benoit Paillaugue , Montpellier Herault
16'6-0 Penalty goal - Benoit Paillaugue , Montpellier Herault
10'3-0 Penalty goal - Benoit Paillaugue , Montpellier Herault
1'0-0 Start of first half